New Hire Checklist

In order to ensure compliance and increase efficiency during the recruitment and selection process, it is recommended to follow a standard process.  Use this framework for preparing for and recruiting new staff.
How often should this be used?
Ad hoc as required.
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New Hire

Job Description

Prepare a job description that defines the key tasks and responsibilities
Job title
Salary Range
Description of organisation
Key responsibilities and tasks
Companies unique selling proposition
Essential skills
Minimum Experience, knowledge and/or qualifications
Other features of the job (eg physical requirements, travel etc)

Job advertisement

Create an advertisement based on the job description. Make the ad snappy and highlight the benefits of your workplace.
Advertise in local newspapers.
Advertise online.
Put up a notice in your shopfront (or someone else’s).
Ask your staff to nominate suitable candidates, and offer them an incentive for finding the right person.
Review applications you received for previous positions you advertised, and contact any suitable candidates to ask them to apply

Interview and selection

Select a shortlist of at least three candidates. Be objective and use the job description as your guide.
Prepare interview questions, based on the requirements in the job description. Ask specific questions on how your candidates could complete the key responsibilities of the job.
Conduct the interviews, asking all candidates the same questions. Write down or record their answers (with their permission). Don’t believe everything you read in their resume, since people often talk up their track record. Ask for particulars and be wary when you don’t get them.
Important! In the interview, be careful not to ask questions or make comments that could leave you open to any future discrimination claims. 
There are laws prohibiting employers from discriminating based on gender, race, marital status, age, sexuality, nationality, disability, physical features, political belief or activity, a person’s responsibilities as a carer, or a person’s status as a pregnant or future mother. 
That means you should avoid asking questions about a woman’s plans to have children, or a worker’s union membership, for example.
Review the candidates, systematically checking their answers against the requirements in the job description. Don’t rely on your personal impressions. But make sure you hire someone whose personality will complement your work culture and team environment.
If necessary, conduct a second-round interview with your two preferred candidates.
Choose a candidate.

Reference Checking

Talk to at least two past employers to verify the candidate’s work history.
Ensure that they are the candidate’s two most recent employers and that the referees were directly responsible for supervising his or her work. 
Stick to questions that are relevant to the job and focus on the applicant’s ability to perform specific tasks to the level you require. 
Refer back to the selection criteria when asking questions.
Make a written record of their responses.

Job Offer

Start date.
Terms and conditions of employment (for example, working hours, overtime and leave).
Salary and other benefits.
Details of any probationary period.
 A probationary period of three to six months can help you make sure you’ve got the right person.
After the offer has been accepted, write and thank the unsuccessful short-listed candidates. If appropriate, ask them whether they would be interested in being considered for any future vacancies.

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