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Welcome to the Docs!

We have worked hard to make the Clever Checklist platform as intuitive as possible.

Like all software there are a few concepts here that can do with a bit of explaination.

First though - lets get on the same page.

What problem do we solve?

Help you and your team deliver repeatable results for your business.

We help you:

  • Make checklists that work.
  • Save time.
  • Reduce risk.
  • Encourage collaboration.
  • Increase consistency.
  • Provide clear accountability.
  • Make less mistakes.
  • Delegate or outsource your work.

What we want for you:

  • Get up and going with your own content (or some of ours) as quickly as possible.
  • Be confident that your business can enjoy repeatable results.
  • Measurable consistency and quality.

and look to avoid and reduce:

  • Confusion.
  • Complexity.
  • Waste.
  • Inflexibility of ad-hoc processes.

What is so clever about Checklists?

We can process information more easily when it is in list form than when it is clumped up like in these paragraphs of text you are not quite reading.

When us humans encounter new information, our brains immediately and automatically try to make sense of it. Once we understand what we are seeing in a physical sense, we want to add a personal context and decide if it is relevant enough to focus on further.

Is this something worth giving continued attention to?

What is in this for me?

Attention and focus is draining and hard for the brain to do.

This evaluation process is instantaneous. We do not even realize we have made a choice in the time our minds have selected one path or another.

Lists tap into our preferred way of receiving and organizing information at a subconscious level. It turns walls of information into bite sized snacks.

From an information-processing standpoint, they more often hit our attentional sweet spot.

When our brains process information, we do so spatially.

For instance, it’s hard through brute force to remember the groceries we intend to buy. It is easier to remember everything if we write it down in bulleted, or numbered, points. Then, even if we forget the paper at home, it is easier for us to recall what was on it because we can think back to the location of the words we wrote down.

Lists also appeal to our general tendency to categorize things. We like putting things in boxes.

The modern work place is extremely complex. So complex that we often have trouble knowing everything that is required in a given situation.

Checklists provide us with a tool to break down and negotiate this complexity.

When properly conceived and used, a checklist ensures communication and confirmation among members of a team and catches errors.

Like a recipe it provides a consistent result when followed accordingly.